Votre entreprise de taxi VTC depuis 2019

Taxi service in Bordeaux

Professional & efficient

  • Bordeaux business driver
  • Airport transfers
  • Transfer stations
  • Transfer to beaches in the basin
  • Weddings and events
  • Secure messaging
Reservation taxi Bordeaux
All distances
Available 7 / 7
CB or cash
4 passengers maximum
1 booster available
Baby seat to provide

Day Rates

  • Bordeaux > Bordeaux : 5 € à 35 €
  • Bordeaux > Gare de Saint-Jean : 15 €
  • Bordeaux > Aéroport : 35 €
  • Bordeaux > Saint-Emilion : 75 €
  • Bordeaux > Bassin d’Arcachon : 90 €
  • Bordeaux > Bergerac : 150 €
  • Bordeaux > Agen : 180 €
  • Bordeaux > Toulouse : 280 €
  • Bordeaux > Paris : 495 €

Location for 4h30 : 340 €
(+ free 30 minutes)

Night Rates

  • Bordeaux > Bordeaux : 5 € à 45 €
  • Bordeaux > Gare de Saint-Jean : 20 €
  • Bordeaux > Aéroport : 45 €
  • Bordeaux > Saint-Emilion : 90 €
  • Bordeaux > Bassin d’Arcachon : 110 €
  • Bordeaux > Bergerac : 180 €
  • Bordeaux > Agen : 210 €
  • Bordeaux > Toulouse : 310 €
  • Bordeaux > Paris : 550 €

Location pour 4h30 : 400 €
(+ free 30 minutes)

My journey -  Your driver

My professional career began as a salesperson with individuals, which gave me a taste for customer relations and an understanding of their needs. My function has evolved into the position of sales manager which has allowed me to develop my sense of responsibility.

After these enriching human and social experiences, I felt the need to get closer to people by helping them, hence my orientation towards the profession of ambulance driver (DEA). This job taught me to be punctual and to listen.

Being brought on the road by ambulance it made me want to put all these experiences and these achievements into practice by creating my company Vtc Evolution today.

Having been in contact with individuals, professionals, companies, it is only natural that the profession of private driver imposed itself on me.

VTC aéroport Bordeaux

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